Saturday, February 23, 2013

This Week - 2/17 a 2/23

This was a weird week. I went to visit my parents last weekend but came back a day early because my mom had surgery and wasn't up and around. The kids were a little stir crazy so I didn't see the point of staying. This meant I was driving home and tired so I missed my scheduled strength workout for Sunday.

Monday - 3 miles. 9:59 average pace. This is awesome for me. I can only imagine the tough workouts The Punisher (the affectionate term for my trainer) has been putting me through is making a major difference in my running.

Tuesday - This is supposed to be a strength day. So far it's been a fail day. Tuesdays are tough in my house. Between work, kids and the dance class I take in the evening, it's been impossible so I've decided to make this a rest day from here on out. I'm going to miss my Friday rest day, but it has to be done.

Wednesday - Cross-training day. I was all set to do some boring elliptical but I happened to check the class schedule and saw that my favorite spin teacher was teaching RPM. I haven't done spin since I started running again and boy, was it ever punishing. Great workout though and I want to try to fit it in when I can.

Thursday - This was crazy. I failed to mention to The Punisher the I had 5 miles to run after our session. She had me do all kinds of squats and leg exercises (besides every ab exercise and plank) till I couldn't pick myself up off the floor. Lesson learned. I'll be sure to plan differently next time. On the bright side, afterwards I ran with a friend who is just coming off of a running break so she helped me slow my pace and the 5 miles was totally fine.

Friday - Rest day no more. I woke up super sore though. Did an easy hour on the elliptical and an hour yoga class. Yoga isn't something I do much but I wanted some stretching. I did get some stretching but it was a good amount of strength too which given my sore state was tough but it was ok.

Saturday - Woke up moaning and groaning feeling like my entire body is sore. The Punisher's baby is due next week and I won't see her for a couple of weeks. I guess this was her parting gift. Have a 6 mile run on the schedule. My husband is at the gym and I'm just waiting for him to come back before I go. I'm hoping the rain tapers off in the meantime.

Jillian Michaels is coming to town in April on a speaking tour. I thought it would be fun to see her in person so I think I'm going to spring for a nosebleed ticket. Hope it's worth it!

Next week - Feb 24 - March 2
Sunday - Strength - Body Pump
Monday - 3 miles
Tuesday - Rest
Wednesday - 3 miles
Thursday - 5 miles
Friday - Strength - Chisel class? And maybe yoga.
Saturday - 6.5 miles

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